Gretsch's "Silver Sealer" internal coating is a metal lining within the shells that induces warm vibrant tones and adds state of the art rigidity to your kit. As well as this, the 6-ply maple/poplar shells truly add depth and an equal mixture of high and mid tones.
The 30-degree bearing edge of the toms flows nicely with the warm tones of the shells by creating a slender natural sustain to every hit. This will bring overall empowerment to your playing and reinforce your percussive skills.
The Gretsch USA Brooklyn 3 Piece 18'' Shell Pack is the quintessential foundation to add your ideal cymbals and hardware too, along with the option to effortlessly apply further toms and snare drums should you wish. Additionally, this kit benefits from Remo heads already installed meaning it won't take long to be on your way to your own "Great Gretsch Sound".